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Do you have a swarm plan?

If keeping bees, it's a good idea to have a spare hive on hand in case your bees swarm. It's an even better idea to set up a swarm trap/bait hive as swarming may go undetected or occur while you're away. 



  • Assembled, painted 8-frame wooden box
  • 8 x wired, wooden frames with wax foundation starter strips
  • Migratory lid
  • Hive Dr base with removable entrance reducer and pest trays
  • 5mL lemongrass oil (brand may vary) and cotton swabs
  • Galvanised steel emlock strap
  • Trap placement and swarm catching tips



  • Capacity of approximately 42L: median preferred nest size of swarms*
  • Lemongrass oil to attract scout bees
  • Wax foundation to help lure bees
  • Starter strips of foundation rather than full sheets to allow scout bees to more accurately estimate size of hive


Note that some boxes and frames may have minor superficial marks and scuffs as well as knots. While we have made an effort to create a product that is tempting to a swarm, we cannot guarantee that a swarm will actually move in.


*Seeley, T.D. and Morse, R.A. (1976). The nest of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.). lnsectes Sociaux 23(4):495-512

Swarm trap: 8-frame bait hive with frames and lemongrass oil

$225.00 Regular Price
$195.00Sale Price
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